Saturday, February 8, 2025

Don't Put It On Top Of Your Car!


Have you ever put something on top of your vehicle, and you drove
off without removing it? By the time you remember, it's usually too

When I was younger, I was at the bus stop and a man drove off with
a big box of Playboy magazines on top of his car! The boys rushed 
to get their hands on the magazines. That man had no idea his Play-
boys were lying in the streets and being grabbed up by school boys.

Another guy I know decided to put his $300 eyeglasses on top of 
his car while he pumped gas. You already know...He drove off and
never saw his glasses again.

If you ever put something important on top of your vehicle, you 
better write yourself a note to remove the item before you drive 
off, or you may be left without it.

Monday, January 13, 2025

5 Reasons Why Retaliation Doesn't Work


If someone makes you mad you might want to retaliate, but it won't do
you any good. 

5 Reasons Why Retaliation Doesn't Work

1. You put the spotlight on yourself as a vengeful person.
    Do you really want to be known as someone who is always trying
    to get back at other people? I hope not.

2. It's a waste of energy.
    You don't want to give your precious energy to a negative situation.
     Please find something constructive to do like reading, writing, 
     dancing, singing, crafting, etc.

3. Hurting someone will not make you feel happier.
    Instead of wanting to hurt someone, how about you find someone 
    to help. This will make you feel better.

4. You'll hurt your reputation.
    You may end up jeopardizing something in your life like...a future
    job opportunity, or something much worse.

5. You'll look foolish. 
    Retaliation makes you appear weak, childish, and an all around 
    negative person. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Stay Away From Drama Queens and Kings


Hanging out with drama queens and kings is a bad idea, because they will
only pull you down. They will complicate your life along with their life.
You know how they operate. They're full of gossip, complaints, and they
can't wait to tell you how bad everyone is treating them.

Drama queens and kings usually have low self-esteem. It's actually the 
drama that makes them feel better about themselves. Most of them don't
even realize that they are sabotaging their own lives. They believe that
they're awesome, and there's something wrong with everybody else!

So if you have these people in your life, stop spending your valuable 
time and energy on them.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Please Get Life Insurance!

Most people don't wanna talk about death until it happens. Then when
it happens, your loved ones probably wanna have a big old drawn out
funeral for you. I don't believe in funerals. They're a waste of time, 
money, and after the funeral nobody says, "That was so much fun!"

I knew a man who passed away leaving a wife and multiple children.
He had no life insurance, but his family wanted to have a funeral for
him. Nobody had any money, so they were scrambling around trying
to raise funeral money. If he'd only discussed dying with his wife, and
purchased life insurance, all of that chaos could've been prevented.

If you have a family who depends on your income get life insurance,
so they can financially survive without you. And if you insist on tor-
turing your family with a funeral...please get life insurance!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

I Went Maskless Today!


I started wearing a mask three years ago, because I felt unsafe due to
COVID. I haven't been to the grocery store maskless since then.

It felt strange shopping for groceries without wearing a mask. I felt
so exposed. I wondered if someone had just coughed or sneezed in 
the aisle I was walking down. What germs am I breathing now? I
calmed myself down by thinking about how I've spent most of my
life maskless. What used to be normal has to start feeling normal to 
me again.

But wearing a mask wasn't all bad. When it was cold it helped to
keep my face warm, and I felt a lot safer if someone was coughing
their head off.

I don't believe my maskless days are over, but I'm gonna try to wear
them less and less until I feel comfortable not wearing them.