Wednesday, January 4, 2017

4 Types of Social Media Followers

I've been on social media for almost eight years, and I've noticed that followers
seem to fall into one of four categories: genuine, snobby, greedy, or casual.
What category do you think you belong in?

1. Genuine Followers: People who want to follow you who think you're
    interesting, and they won't unfollow you if you don't follow them back.

2. Snobby Followers: People who follow you who think you're interesting, but
    if you don't follow them back they will unfollow you.

3. Greedy Followers: People with thousands of followers who follow you only
    so you'll follow them back. And when you follow them back they unfollow

4. Casual Followers: People who follow anyone and everyone. It doesn't matter
    who you are, and they really don't care if you follow them back.

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