Tuesday, November 17, 2015

HIV is a Big Deal

Back in the 80s, HIV/ AIDS was mentioned continuously. There was the
shock of hearing about Rock Hudson having AIDS. And then the controv-
versy of Ryan White. He was banned from going to school due to the fact
that he had AIDS. There were also ad campaigns about AIDS and HIV
everywhere: commercials, posters, magazine ads, you name it.

In 1991, Magic Johnson announced to the world that he had HIV and people
were shocked. Magic Johnson has been living with HIV for over 20 years.
He can afford the best doctors and the best medication money can buy. No
one should feel like HIV is no big deal simply because it can be staved off 
by medication. It is a big deal.

Easy-E died of AIDS in 1995, and although some people were surprised by
his diagnosis, it seemed as if it wasn't shocking like it had been in the 80s.

Now it's 2015 and Charlie Sheen has confessed that he is HIV positive. It's
the perfect time to make HIV a big deal again. There needs to be a barrage
of ad campaigns to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS. There should be ad
campaigns hitting us in the face everywhere we go just like it was back in
the 80s.

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