I've been relaxing my hair for over 20 years, so the thought of not getting anymore
relaxers sounded like a great idea. After my last relaxer (about 6 weeks ago now)
I decided I'd research some women who have gone natural. I read through web-
sites, subscribed to newsletters, talked to women, and looked at a lot of videos
about natural hair. I've come to the conclusion that natural hair is a lot more work
than my relaxed hair.
If I was willing to cut my hair short and start completely over it wouldn't be as
much of a challenge, but I don't want really short hair. And If I decided to keep
my relaxed hair while trying to "go natural" I'd just have a head full of mess. It's
really hard to style half relaxed and half natural hair. Plus, the women that
have the patience to grow their natural hair long, spend hours taking care of it.
I give props to
any woman with that kind of patience.
I know relaxers are full of chemicals and I'm a chemical hater, but I'd rather
give myself a relaxer every 7 weeks than spend hours a week styling my hair.
That's why I'm keeping my relaxer.