Friday, April 30, 2021

Hair and Cultural Appropriation

Some things fit into the category of cultural appropriation, but hair 
isn't one of them. When a white person wears dreadlocks, cornrows,
box braids, Bantu knots, or anything past two pigtails, it shouldn't
be a big deal. White people aren't getting upset about black people
wearing straight hairstyles, or getting straight human hair weaved 
into their kinky hair.

It's petty to be bothered when you see a white person wearing a 
black hairstyle. Even if the hairstyle originated in Africa, that 
doesn't mean it's off limits to white people. It's hair! There are
more important issues going on in this world. If you want to 
change something, first change your state of mind. And if you 
want to get upset about something, get upset about public health, 
global warming, human rights, and the justice system.

We live in a world where we need to come together. We need to 
accept each other for who we are, and our diversities. Different
races and ethnicities should be able to get along, and share their
differences and similarities in harmony.