Saturday, April 13, 2019

Do You Have a Social Media Addiction?

We all have our reasons for using social media, but if it begins to interfere
with your real life in a negative way you need to be on it a lot less, or give
it up completely. I know a woman who deleted all of her social media accounts
except one. I'll call her Jane...Jane said, "I was spending too much time on it,
and I was tired of looking at people's fake lives, and I wasn't gonna live a fake

I used to get on social media several times a day, but I realized that it was
a big distraction. I decided to only focus on social media twice a day. I
spend about 30 minutes on it in the morning, and two hours at night.

If you think you have a social media addiction ask yourself:

Why am I on social media?

  * Is it to reach out to family?
  * Are you trying to see what your friends are doing?
  * Are you promoting something such as music, books, photography,

How does social media make me feel?

  * Do you feel like you're accomplishing anything while on social media?
  * Do you feel like it's a waste of time?
  * Does it make you feel happy, sad, or mad?

How much time am I spending on social media?

  * Are you spending countless hours on social media?
  * Have you ever forgotten to do something important because of it?
  * Are you constantly losing track of time because of social media?

After asking yourself all of these questions you know what to do.
Your time is valuable, so treat it that way.

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