Wednesday, February 16, 2022

20 Reasons Why the 80s Were the Best Decade


Things seem to be so complicated and unpredictable nowadays, that's
why I'm longing for the 80s. The 80s were the best decade! 

1. TV shows were better: Most shows were well-written, entertaining,
    and thought-provoking. There was also no shortage of family-
    friendly programing.

2. You could go to the grocery store and get money for your empty
    pop bottles.

3. Music was wonderful: A lot of the music didn't fit into any kind
    of category, but it didn't matter because it sounded good and it
    was electrifying.

4. When kids went to school you felt like they were in a safe place.

5. You could eat raw cookie dough, and cake batter without it 
     making you sick.

6. You always had a bagger when you checked out at the grocery

7. There was no COVID.

8. You could just plug the TV in the wall, and it would work...
    no box required.

9. There were so many good movies out it was hard to choose
     which ones to see.

10. Kids got to act like kids instead of mini adults. Things have
      gotten too serious for children. They have to worry about
      scary things like school shootings, and that's unfair.

11. Cellphones didn't rule people's lives.

12. Babies used to look around the store and learn about their 
      surroundings, but now most of them are handed a nasty 
      cellphone as soon as they can hold a bottle.

13. Food didn't contain as many chemicals as it does now: We
      are slowly being poisoned through food.

14. Tap water was safe to drink, and it tasted good too. 

15. Blue jean pockets were always real: I don't know anyone
      who likes fake pockets.

16. Most fruits and vegetables weren't foreign grown, so our
      food was safer, and it tasted better.

17. Less people had food allergies.

18. Food packaging and the food inside of the package wasn't
      always shrinking.

19. There was no such thing as being politically correct.

20. There was no social media to spread lies.  

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